Manicures and Flowers
Days off this week rejuvenated my soul.
I needed to take vacation, so I don't lose it. It doesn't accrue. My employer is good to me. So, I'm taking an extra day off each week for five weeks.
I read a study suggesting short vacations are more restorative, than say, taking two weeks off at once.
I'm inclined to believe the research. This time.
When I was spoiled and had a washer, dryer, and bathtub, I received weekly manicures and monthly pedicures.
Well, today I splurged and was thoroughly manicured.
Tonight, I feel pretty.
Oh, so pretty.
I also splurged on flowers for the first time this beautiful New Year.
Many moons ago I grew flowers like this, beautiful flowers. I didn't know how blessed I was to be able to grow such big and colorful and pretty blooms.
Tonight, as I prepare to turn in for the night I'm thinking of many blessings.
Pretty nails and gorgeous flowers.
A schnauzer who thinks I'm the bee's knees.
A warm, comfy bed with fresh linens.
Good people in my life.
I almost became bitter a few days ago. I see things, hear things I don't like, people treating others badly, without respect, and sometimes I grow weary. My mouth is then my biggest enemy.
Control the tongue, the rudder of the body.
And don't become bitter.
Bitterness is ugly.
Live a good life.
Tell the stories.
January 4, 2024
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