
To my knowledge I've never met him before that day. The intelligent sort, you've met them before. They come on strong, hard, and fast. Quick with knowledge, obviously sharp, and borderline personality disorders. This you know as they turn on a dime. Quick wit becomes harsh, fast. 


I like quick wit. 


I have zero tolerance for aggression. 


Danger Will Robinson, danger. 


He's younger and foolish. 


He'd asked my favorite wine. I didn't answer. He let me know he would ask my neighbor. 


"She doesn't know my favorite wine. No one knows my favorite wine."


"Soon everyone will know your favorite wine."


Arrogance. Hatefulness. Threatening. 


 His actions were quite odd. 


He called me by my sister's name. I seldom discuss family. I've never given sibling names to anyone here in Wyoming.


He messed up. Exposed himself for the fraud he is. 


No coincidences.

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