She purchased a huge gorgeous mahogany bowl while in town and request the details I'd previously given her.
"We carry the acrylic bowls and serve-ware you probably noticed. Those and the mahogany bowls are made in both the Philippines and Vietnam, Saigon. Our wood bowls are made using wood that is rescued. (My wacky sense of humor is visualizing wood bowls with their hands up, being held hostage …. because I’m nuts. Obviously, those are their words not mine!) So, sustainably sourced, after their SEAL Team 6 or Delta rescue. I can’t stop myself this morning. 🤪
But seriously, hundreds of small pieces of wood are intricately fitted together to make each bowl."
"I laughed out loud, and I do so appreciate your humor. 🥰 Takes one to know one! Thank you for the rescue for my newly ransomed bowl. Hope to have it displayed soon. Will send you photos to assure you the transfer of hostage is complete." 🤣
God put these sweet people in my life at the very time I needed them. They fed me dinner; they fed me spiritually and continue to do so from across the country. They make me laugh, make me think, and remind me of God's faithfulness.
They pray for me, and GOD KNOWS I need prayer.
Her husband brings her coffee every morning in the hot tub.
The hot tub.
Good stuff.
So when I pass on requested information this morning, I tell her coffee and a hot tub sound good about right now. She tells me I guessed it and sent the following video. The beauty takes my breath away.
"No two people are more deserving."
She replies, "NO we both know what we deserve but Jesus saved us from that!!"
I repeat, I NEEDED them in my life, this VERY moment, reminding me who I am in Christ.
God is faithful. Always.
(To see video click here.)
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