Seven years.
I approached the possibility of major change almost child-like. I read words from seven years ago and just shake my head.
I was operating strictly on faith.
Stories from the past seven years are innumerable, head-shake, some incredulous worthy. You can only imagine, and then, imagine exponentially more.
Words to those beginning again, regardless of circumstances, age, education, or lack thereof, seek wisdom, listen, and take the dive, the opportunity to live, beautifully.
Don't let others determine your worth.
"You are a complete failure." I told myself this too many times. I was raised in a time one stayed with one job for forty years. Times change, especially in a tourist town, which was totally new to me, a completely different world, vastly different rules.
I've learned to grant mercy to me as lavishly as I grant mercy to others. Well, almost. I remember from the time I was five or six years old being told I was harder on myself than others ever would be. Looking back over the years, I'm not sure this is totally accurate, others can be relentlessly critical, however, without overthinking, yeah, I'm hard on myself, to the nth degree. I'm getting better at cutting me slack. You should cut yourself a little slack too.
Survival is planned and deliberate. Sometimes. Other times it's flying by the seat of your pants and knowing God is in full control.
God's control - most of the time I'm good with this - though I'm a closet control freak. Learning control and fear are often management tools, in work environments, was an eye opener. Remember this.
Succeed and let them see you do it, humbly.
There are those void of integrity, in an age of universal deceit. Not your problem. Why absorb moods and emotions of others? YOU choose how YOU feel.
I'm badass because I keep getting up. YOU practice YOUR badassery.
Regroup. Arise. Get up, again. And again.
I tell you these things because it feels good to tell the story. More important, I share stories to encourage, exhort, and remind you of the power of hope.
Every day offers opportunities. A trusted Texas advisor told me yesterday, "Debbie, you are valuable. You've been told this for some time now, by numerous people."
"I pray, I'm asking for direction," I reply.
Our time was short. What I want is for her to give me linear, step by step processes to follow. TELL me where I belong. She will give suggestions, no doubt, but she will not tell me what to do. Heifer is making me figure out the process. One thing is abundantly clear: she is of the opinion I have significant value. I trust her, implicitly. Her knowledge far exceeds anything I know.
We all need someone, or two, who believe we are valuable.
Deliberate thought, education (much of which cost nothing but time), and hard work, this is a recipe for success.
There is a hope and a future.
Never forget.
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