Last night Maggie and I were getting ready to come down the mountain. I stretched, started down, and was missing Maggie. (When on the mountain, I’ve trained her to come to my right side, and I scoop her up in my arms. This is a command she knows well, and obeys quickly. We do this out of respect for the few dogs who are leashed, and their owners. Most dogs run free on Snow King and are very well behaved.) She was no where to be found. She didn’t run to my side. I was hoping to find her at our car. I did not. I notified the SO.
This morning I called the animal shelters, PAWS, and my vet. As I’m talking to PAWS, the lady tells me a colleague is speaking with a gentleman on SK, who is trying to scoop up a little black dog. Maggie is not crazy about men. Though this gentleman is an animal lover (apparently from Baltimore, if my caller ID is correct) Maggie wanted no part of him. She ran into the woods. She hasn’t been seen since.
The pictures included here are from this morning, taken by the Good Samaritan. He told me he has a strong faith we will find her. Such a good man.
I returned to the mountain a third time, this afternoon, taking food and treats. She never showed. I left food.
Another Good Samaritan came up the Josie’s Ridge side of the mountain, but didn’t see her, this afternoon. She texted me, “I have strong faith that we will find her.”
PAWS was quick to put out fliers. A family was coming down the mountain, as I was going back up the mountain this evening. The kids were yelling her name. Just the best.
These are people I didn’t know before today, who have taken the time to search for Maggie Rose, faith filled people.
Maggie survived a pretty cool night last night, not looking too bad in her glamour shots. She is favoring her right front paw a bit. She has no visible injury, perhaps the sore paw is from running and jumping unfamiliar terrain. (She ran to an area we’ve never hiked, when he tried to catch her this morning.)
So, tonight will be around 33° and I’m asking for your prayers, a hedge of protection around this ornery little girl. She’s a warrior, just like her owner.
I return to work tomorrow. Updates will be forthcoming.
Many thanks.
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