Beautiful Minds

Here I sit on my balcony with my bible, computer, and a diet coke. I’ve moved a table outside on which to prop my legs, and I have a pillow behind my back, making this wooden rocking chair a little comfier.


Rain is light, more a sprinkle here and there. Rolling thunder is enough to make me happy, reminding me of thunderstorms in my beloved Texas. Rumbling is just enough to upset Maggie Rose the Schnauzer.  


I may have had the opportunity to listen and watch another acquaintance defend their doctoral thesis/dissertation.


So, as I’m showering, talking to God, and to Maggie Rose sitting right outside the shower, it hits me:


You love this, watching and listening to the culmination of several years’ work (in most instances) as beautifully intelligent acquaintances defend their work. What if you check around and see if you can observe once or twice a semester those completing their PhD? Varied and diverse degrees? Maybe not only once or twice a semester, but also from colleges and universities around the nation? How about that? 


I could collect research: process, toll, and rewards, and after years of observing I then I could defend my own PhD, the Debbie version, Philosophy of D(ebbie). Or Debbie of Philosophy. 


Is this my special purpose, not as in Steve Martin’s special purpose, but in the “this is what I was meant to do” special purpose?


Lmk what you think. 

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