
It's my Friday, whew...


Maggie and I snuggled in early, thinking we would read a little and go to sleep early. Brain had other thoughts, lots of thoughts. Typing quick notes I thought would be enough to satisfy Brain until morning, apparently not. I've learned to make hay while the sun shines when writing or any worthwhile endeavor in life. So, here I sit typing, apparently preparing five or six vastly different stories, stories mostly concerning the decade of enlightenment: acquaintances, in particular one psychobabble num something or other (insert nuts), whom I adore or not at any given time, quality versus quantity (you can guess my choice if you know me even a little bit), definitions of regret and of warrior, listening with your heart (such a pain, really) the good, bad, and ugly, benefits of associating with zero low performers, diabolical relationships of women, some even god awful women, and the Flynn effect (Google with me here, I'm learning, but I'm inclined to believe we do, eyeroll). And why wouldn’t we?


One more: the profound effect of journaling and why I encourage everyone to journal. Hint: you will never be the same, progression ensured.


Okay, maybe now I can lie down in peace and shut off the stories in my head for a bit, just a bit. Tomorrow, I want to hit the ground running, write the stories. Too many stories.

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