Ahh David, so many lessons to be learned from David.
Beth Briggs added George W and Maggie Rose to paintings, personalized them for little of nothing, when I first began writing my blog. I love her work, and why wouldn't I?
Thank you God for every person you gently place in my life every single day.
There are no accidents.
The following is written by Beth:
"The condition of our heart is very important to God. We can run around doing all kinds of good deeds in an attempt to be virtuous but if we are holding onto bitterness, anger or unforgiveness in our hearts God really isn’t impressed by our fleshly activities. He doesn’t look at our outward appearance, level of intelligence, talents or abilities, he looks at our hearts.
David, author of most of the psalms, made a lot of mistakes. Really big ones. Like, the worst kind you can make. But he suffered the consequences of his mistakes and he repented of each one. God saw what was in his heart and He continually blessed him.
“Create in me a clean heart, O God; and renew a right spirit within me.”
Psalm 51:10
It doesn’t matter how big a mistake you have made, if your heart is in the right place and you take responsibility for your actions you can still lead a blessed and favored life. There is nothing God won’t forgive of a repentant heart.
I can’t make my heart pure, only He can. And He won’t enter my heart unless I ask Him to. So I invite Him into my heart every morning and ask Him to do His work through me, knowing that when I make mistakes (which I frequently do!) at least I know my heart is in the right place."
"Guard your heart above all else, for it determines the course of your life." (Proverbs 4:23)
"God blesses those whose hearts are pure, for they will see God. (Matthew 5:8)
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