We talk, she shares life stories, and if I have my computer handy, I take notes so I can write later, verbatim, because y’all would absolutely love her. She’s full of vim and vigor along with heaping spoonsful of wisdom.
Anyway, I shared with her my style when writing for others: gather words all day every day, hear a word, write it down, see words on signs, in grocery stores, add them to Notes on my phone. When I physically sit down to write I have all tools and research ready to go. I begin placing descriptives with appropriate recipients. I play, moving them around, sharing phrases I’ve previously written until finally they ‘click’ like missing pieces of a puzzle. I suspect this isn’t the norm for writing. When I’m writing my personal stories words flow, sometimes I can’t get to my computer fast enough, the stories are on the tip of my tongue, waiting to be told. But writing copy is different. Writing perfect descriptive phrasing that doesn’t sound like every other writer is rigorous work.
“You write like so and so.”
“Who’s that?”
She scoffs, loud, without saying idiot she tells me, “She wrote Highlander.”
“Oh, I’ve heard of that, but haven’t read the books or watched the series.”
“Well, she writes down words as they come to her and that’s how she ended up with a series of books.”
I be dang. Maybe I’m not as crazy as I thought.
This project has tested my skills and I’ve loved every minute of the process. I’m a better writer because of this opportunity. There are millions of words and I’ve found more than sixty different ways to say beautiful and exquisite with nary a repeat. Soon I’ll share what our talented team has put together. Everything we do at each location is a collaborative effort, a highly functioning team led by a phenomenal lady. I’m pretty impressed. You will be too.
That’s all folks, for tonight.
I love all y’all.
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