Dear Poppy


I hear we have a new family member in Oklahoma. It is past time for me to welcome this little jewel to our family. 


Dear Poppy, 


I want to welcome to you our beautiful family. Mama was showing me pictures of you, and I realized I'd not yet welcomed you. So, here is my official bear hug, squeezzze. (Don't be skeered, I'm not talking about a Grizzly 399 hug, not a LITERAL bear hug, but a friendly, loving Schnauzer hug.) 


Your family loves you SO much, those boys and their little sister, and of course your mama. However, I hear tell your dad may rub a hole in your ear! 


I kid. 


He will not rub a hole in your ear, but he did have a faux puppy when he was a wee lad, rubbed holes in both the critter's ears. Between you and me, having our ears massaged relaxes us. It's true, a vet tech told me it's true. So, you enjoy all the belly and ear rubs you can wrangle, these are good for puppies.


My mama loves you too, sharing your picture with acquaintances, something about a granddog. She tells anyone who stand still long enough how special animals are, especially schnauzers. We are apparently very smart, intuitive, neighborhood watch critters, and we protect our people. Your littles are in good hands, um, paws. 


In the future I will teach you:


Benefits of Social Media


How to Type Efficiently Without Opposable Thumbs 


Networking 101: Meet the Schnauzers


Using Puppy Eyes to Your Advantage


Zoomies: Settle Down Schnauzer


The Fine Art of Begging for (Healthy) Treats and the follow-up How to Spot an Easy Target


I look forward to hearing of your adventures with the family. 


Poppy, you are beautiful, and I love you. 




Maggie Rose the Schnauzer 🐾



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