Bette Davis Eyes

My physical therapist cupped my knee numerous times before I had my second surgery. It’s a hurt so good kind of deal and very effective. I ordered my own cups, all sizes. Recently on my Facebook feed ladies have been cupping their faces. Hmm, maybe I’ll give it a try. There are a couple mini cups in my nifty little set.


Wow, my face was nicely flushed, looked pretty good. I’m pleased. Maybe there’s something to this.


This morning my eyes were a tad puffy so I pull out the smaller cups again. Pinching them a bit tighter today, I go to work de-puffing my face. If a little was good yesterday, a lot will be even better today.


I take my shower and as I’m towel drying my hair I notice what appears to be a perfectly round hickey on my forehead, and another around my left eye, just a smidge.


What the heck?


Whatever, I know how to camouflage, maybe.


I’m at work, enjoying our guests. A lovely lady looks at me and says, “Your EYES!”


Oh NO she KNOWS!!!


And because I apologize for things I’ve never done, nor intended, I apologize for breathing too much air, not enough air, just ridiculous nonsense, I came close to saying, “I’m so sorry, I cupped myself this morning, I know I look terrible.”


Because I’m nuts, totally nuts.


I didn’t say a word, I smiled at her, looking her straight in the eye, perhaps a bit puzzled appearing.


Did my camo wear off? Are they black and blue?


“Your eyes are beautiful — Bette Davis eyes.”




Gently exhaling, I quietly reply, “Thank you, you are so kind.”




Eventually I head to a mirror when I’m alone. Yep hickey forehead is covered by bangs, all good there. Eye hemorrhages are still covered, not really noticeable to anyone but me.


Don’t try this at home, and if you do, make sure you have a good twenty-four hours off to recuperate. Ice, use ice. Or maybe learn from me, and just don’t be so dang aggressive.


Now Kim Carnes is singing in my head:


All the boys think she’s a spy


She’s got Bette Davis eyes 🎶 🎶

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