Recently a jewel of a soul walked into my life, began talking, sharing freely. I'd never met her before. God knew I would listen. People are my jam. Once finished sharing her story, she told me, “we have to talk about it, to help others.”
I messaged her later to make sure she's okay, her loss was horrific, heartbreaking. Following is her reply to me. (I asked her if I could share, as I believe others need to hear the message.)
Some day maybe I can share the full story. Today is not that day.
"I don’t know that I will ever be ok Debbie,
That’s the beauty in knowing though,
I am not afraid to admit that I am on a lifelong quest of learning and the more we talk to others the more educated we become.
Feeling isolated is not good, what we must always remember is that we are not alone,
Everyone has their something and that I am willing and able to share mine only makes others that vulnerable to share too.
You are a beautiful woman and I am so very grateful to have met you and have a very beautiful conversation with you,
I don’t think anything is by accident but all by a plan set forth long before we ever knew.
God gives us all the tools we need to journey forth, but only if we know we too are worthy to receive.
I think life is what we make of it, and I see you are making the most of it!!
I enjoyed our time together today and thank God that our paths crossed!!"
I loved her honesty with me, "I don't know that I will ever be okay."
Honesty, raw honesty.
It's okay to be okay, or at least self-aware enough to see the hard truth.
I thank God every day for those who randomly walk into my life, and end up encouraging me.
I do not believe in random. If you know me you know.
Use and share what this precious soul shared with me. Let others know they matter, it's okay to be okay. Don't isolate, as hard as it may sometimes seem. The enemy wants everyone to think they are odd, weird, alone, and no one else would understand.
You too are beautiful souls, each of you. Remember this.
You matter.
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