
It's been suggested I settle, or I've settled for less, concerning ability and worth.


Confusion and frustration overtake my mind when confronted with this very real possibility.


I want to yell, "DO YOU KNOW HOW FAR I'VE COME?"


One who questions me settling while I'm still not quite sure of potential or direction, however, is my Texas advisor. You guys know I trust her implicitly. She knows me inside and out, all the details. She KNOWS how far I’ve come. I thank God for her. So, when she is straight up with her analysis, I pay attention.


Do you settle?


Let's make a deal. I will push the limits of my abilities and you do the same. Perhaps I will begin the publishing process, learn the ins and outs of this particular business. Or would potential be better utilized elsewhere, an entirely different direction?


You my friends, why are you holding back? What is/are your fear(s)?


We, you and I, will remember our faith is in the One who gave us these talents.


Straighten your crown guys and gals.


The time is now.


Step out of your comfort zone.


Let's do this.

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