New York City

I'm handed a bottle of wine. They tell me they need someone to come work for them, in New York, "Someone like you. If you know of anyone give them our number."


Talking to a trusted Texas advisor today, I tell this story. We smile across the miles.


Someone like me.


What does that mean? Big hair, big smile, Texan 'till the cows come home? What in the world? NEW YORK CITY?


Someone like me would almost have a panic attack simply thinking about NY.


By all accounts, I'm different. So different in fact, the difference scares some.


It's taken me many decades to realize different can be a good thing, a really good thing.


My trusted (I don't ever use the word trusted lightly, in fact, I trust few) advisor tells me to know my worth.


We are not to be arrogant, but humble.


We are to seek wisdom, and by gosh use that wisdom.


Know YOUR worth, my friends.

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