So I've been listening to news. Another politician is being investigated for sexual proclivities, perhaps illegal. He vigorously denies allegations. I'm inclined to believe him until proven guilty, an old fashioned concept.
Here's what I think, concerning politicians...We get seemingly great politicians, occasionally. After a short time in office, they cave to Washington's ways. A conspiracy sista, I believe deep state digs far and wide for any, tiny bit of unscrupulous behavior, no matter legal or not. I believe blackmail begins immediately. I believe we need recordings of those who yell loudest, assert charges against others, cast blame non-stop. I want their bedroom recordings, hotel recordings, all surveillance. I want agency heads exposed, everything, small talk, pillow talk, let us decide whether you are worthy to live your life in peace. If average American citizens are being surveilled, and they (we) are, live by the sword, die by the sword, a-holes.
My word to politicians, and indeed all Americans, don't be blackmailed. Don't let them do this to our nation. Those who do these things are perverted and evil in every way. I see no good in any of them. May God have mercy on their souls, because I'm not inclined to extend one drop of mercy. They've destroyed lives, and are destroying our nation. It's time to stand up, regardless of who may come after them. Or you. Or I.
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