Smartest people I know, best people I know — vets. I’ve had the pleasure of working with these phenomenal people, super heroes.
The ball of fur sleeping on my arm tonight is more than a furry critter. She is everything to me — companion, protector, psychologist (yes, I talk to my animals, working out what ever needs worked out.) My vet loves on me and my animals, if ever there is a problem. She (my vet), gave Maggie Rose and I all the love, after MR’s fifteen day adventure, a couple years ago. My vet knows George W is a special rescue kitty, a calm kitty. She loves on him too. She genuinely cares, deeply.
I see my vet seldom, fortunately, and unfortunately. Fortunately my animals are healthy. Unfortunately we both are so busy, and haven’t had the opportunity for our glass of wine, girl time. When I need her, for my darlings, she’s here for us, without fail.
Intimately familiar with suicide, the act itself is often times insidious. The suicidal are often hit hard and fast. Self-awareness is one key, only one. There is not a simple solution to this complicated, life-stealing thief, taking brightest, brilliant, and the absolute very best individuals, way too soon.
It is time to step up my level of appreciation, to care more for others. I love my vet bunches. And that goes double ruff, meow, from her biggest fans, Maggie Rose and George W.
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