Oh Saturday, our love is true. Brunch — coffee, eggs and sausage, good music, and lovin' from my animals. Rest is welcome.
Looking out my dining window at snow topped mountains and blue sky, I lose myself in beauty. My mind wanders, the daydreamer takes hold. I linger a bit, thinking back on my week.
Random encounters intrigue, leave me wondering, wanting to learn, more. One in particular, well traveled, fluent in languages, I ask questions, so many questions. Less serious after a bit, I share my new found love of languages. However, I confide to her, correct pronunciation, enunciation, unless immersed in culture, can be difficult to nail. When I tried to speak Spanish years ago around my kids, I was told I was a cross between Spanish and Chinese. It's true, I could hear it in my voice. I laugh, remembering, telling my new acquaintance this story. Her husband being from Texas, she tells me Texans can bastardize any language and not think twice about it. "What's the pronunciation? Oh, yeah, well, it's okay, no big deal!"
I hope you're laughing, I was laughing out loud, this wasn't said to be tacky, and it's straight up true for many Texans. Not me. Yes, I can bastardize any language, but I'm keenly, hyper-aware of my flaws and inadequacies. I hear every little flaw, drawl, slight intonation. I wish it weren't so.
Therefore, I practice. I learned so much from her. If only I had my life to live over again.
All is not lost. My mind cooperates, probably now more than ever. My tiny home is filled with books, everything from deportment, poetry, history, fashion, cookbooks of all kinds, foreign policy, design, devotionals, work related materials, biographies, prudent advice, and most importantly, my bible.
Until my last breath I will learn.
I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.
Send more, God, send those who teach, to me.
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