She’s dangerous with an ounce or two of alcohol.
Friend: Stop by Smith’s and pick up a bottle of Caramel Crown. (My eyes are still crossed from sipping Apple Crown mixed with a dab of Fireball, you know, beginner whiskey.) But seriously, I think I will, in case of emergency.
While imbibing, gently, I’m compelled to check proof, for comparative purposes, Gentleman Jack, Apple Crown, and Fireball. There’s not a huge difference between the three. My question though, is 70 proof versus 80 proof comparable to TSH .15 versus 3.5? Are we talking thousands? If so, there’s a helluva difference.
Notre Dame sent out a discussion concerning recent political events, and the use of “the redneck ‘F’ bomb used to describe Trump supporters”. (Okay, I’m laughing.) I respond, laughing, and then ask him seriously if he’s ready for the storm. His reply, “As I was turning over the meat on the grill just now, I wondered will Deb be the “first responder”? Bingo!”
I let him know I’m not fond of being predictable. Meat on the grill sounds delicious. I don’t often respond, so why did he have my number this time? Was he fibbing?
Leaving the laundry today, a huge black truck with California license plate “ENNIGMA” was parked by my car. Now really, if someone, or something, is truly an enigma, they wouldn’t need (nor want) to spell it out in capital letters on their license plate, right? (Kinda like rednecks with steel testicles the size of Texas hanging from their rear bumper. I mean really, we now know the truth, little man.) Back to ENNIGMA...I’ve thrown my car in reverse, ready to back out, and up walks ENNIGMA...with a weenie dog. I kid you not. Not a Rottweiler or Doberman, but a dachshund. I roll my window down and slowly drawl, “E N N I G M A”. He smiles, and I'm smiling to myself, thinking enigma my tush, I drive away.
Let’s see, what else...
I nearly blinded myself with my new Tac Maglite. That thing is amazing, the strobe function savage. I have a new EDC.
The neighbors probably wonder what’s going on up here tonight. Strobe, whiskey, and chocolate baby, strobe, whiskey, and chocolate.
It’s bedtime. Early.
(Yes, whiskey in a teacup is always better.)
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