How in the world do I dirty so many dishes? I’m one person.
Oh yeah, I promised myself I’d use the good dishes every day, no more saving them for holidays.
Maggie and George dine from good dishes too, because they’re special. Two squares a day, plus their little goblets for a quick snack.
I like pretty, all things pretty, so naturally I like pretty table settings. This also is part of the reason I love my job, I’m surrounded by beauty every day, I thrive.
Last week my password for work was reset. Even my password is pretty, I’m serious. I told IT this, think southern, “Ohhh, Mitch, it’s so pretty!” Yes it is, he tells me. I can hear the smile in his voice.
Even a pretty password makes me happy.
If pretty makes you happy too, pretty is as pretty does. Don’t save pretty for only special occasions, okay? Use your pretty every day, every opportunity.
How will you use pretty today?
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