So I drink a lot of water. Most days I drink A LOT of water. Which means what goes in must come out. Which also means I’m in the hallway at work, and I mask for the trip to the powder room.
Which got me to thinking...upon arrival, I shuck my mask, barring any guests or housekeeping, and suck in air. I simply pull it down, take care of business, pray no one comes in so I can wash my hands before re-masking.
Technically a lady can tt without touching a thing, aside from forsaken, germ ridden door handles. (I use my top these days to open doors, nasty top.) TP is easy to deal with, just don’t touch the dispenser. We don’t have a willy to find, adjust, before letting ‘err rip.
Men on the other get the picture, a clear visual, hopefully of a real stud...
Convince me men don’t shuck their mask sometimes, do the deed, touching themselves, shaking things loose, AND then touching their mask, re-mask, wash their hands, feeling all self righteous, and head back to their executive office, or the dining room, wherever.
Pretend this is Mayor Pete, tiny little Mayor Pete, with his red bandana. Do you want him touching your beer or food? And if indeed he’s wearing his mask all day, as is mandated, supposedly for everyone, with the exception of ADA covered individuals, medical exemptions, what the heck is the man breathing in, sucking deep into his lungs?
Whoa Nelly.
That right there is a whole new illness waiting to be cultured.
I have a tendency to overthink, sometimes. Well, maybe often. Kinda, sorta.
(Full disclosure: in my mind it’s only men like Anthony the Dick, Mayor Pete, Man Who Shall Remain Nameless for now, real assholes who do these type things.)
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