
I was ready to try to sleep, ran across a post on FB...and it led to another post, and OMG, surprise, surprise, two separate groups supposed to be supporting the same cause, but one dude allegedly has political aspirations, and allegedly thought supporting this group would give him an ‘in’, in the mean time, he was leaving out the very people who mattered most, allegedly. 


I’m not an investigative reporter, don’t pretend to be. 


There’s a video, which personally I found offensive, a young (white) man being badgered as he was cleaning up after a protest, just cleaning up, that’s it. And guess what? He was called a racist, and a number of derogatory terms, for cleaning up, repeatedly harassed, in my humble opinion. I’ve told you before the term racist has been abused, misused, and this video proves my point, yet again. Anything, any response he made was met with “racist asshole”, or worse. Sheesh. Mouthy arrogance continued, for more than twelve minutes. The most vocal one settled down once an officer arrived. 


I’m curious who the man is behind the camera. This young man handled these jerks with dignity.


Reading the responses, a number of people had the same opinion I have expressed. There were those however, one in particular who said, well, I’ll just post his quote so you can read it. It’s sad, really sad, that these young adults preach tolerance, and say and do some pretty despicable things to those who don’t fit their agenda. This white kid was cleaning up, that’s it. He handled the harassment much better than I would have. All they wanted was trouble. (I want to know where he works so I can support the business.)


The man behind the video was a complete coward, never showing his face. The man who posted the vid, and harassed is white. The young man cleaning up suggested they take their money for protesting and go back to Seattle. Sounds like a plan. 


(If the guy cleaning up was drunk, he sure did a fine job of shimming up and down the arches to clean up, not once did I see him stumble while simultaneously responding to derogatory nonsense, gathering posters, and readying them for recycling. I’m not trained for field sobriety testing, so who knows.)


Researching recently, different speakers, some ordinary folks, moms, dads, military leaders, athletes — all black—they are tired of this type behavior exhibited this particular night. It serves no purpose whatsoever.


Having an opinion no more makes one a racist than sitting in McDonald's makes one a hamburger. Civil discourse will lead the way, not false or embellished narrative.


(A side note — anytime posters are placed on the antler arches, they are generally removed in short order, from all observations. A couple of these men need to rephrase their argument and try again. These were completely invalid generalizations.)


Something else to note in the video, harassing the guy for wearing a mask, because he was scared of COVID...we know the health department has selective guidelines, a few for protesters, a butt-ton for business owners, but the guy behind the camera harasses the one who chose to use a face covering. Seems this was a no-win situation. Did 'Mouth' label mask wearer as racist too? Who knows?


I don’t know who wrote this, it wasn’t me, but I’m biting, hook, line, and sinker:


Being white doesn’t make you a racist.

Being black doesn’t make you a criminal.

Being a cop doesn't make you a killer.

Being a woman doesn’t make you inferior.

Being rich doesn’t make you evil.

Being poor doesn’t make you a loser.

But being the type of person that judges and blames EVERYONE based on a FEW...


That makes you part of the problem. 


You, agitators in the video, are part of the problem.


March in support, peacefully, allow others to have their opinions, concerning a number of subjects, but don’t speak for the black community, they are so much more respectful and eloquent than you were this particular night.


I tell you this drama to remind all of us: we are being played all the way from big money donors, to wanna be players.




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