I’ve never met this mayor. I can’t say that I’ve missed anything. He seems man/child(ish) to me. I worked for a top notch mayor in Texas, years ago. He NEVER would’ve responded to any constituents’ concerns, as our mayor did, here in Jackson.
This was his response to a county-wide petition, a request for transparency concerning masking and scientific data leading to decisions for COVID-19 masking in Teton County, to the initiator of the request, and by association, his disdain for well over one thousand signers of the petition.
“I don’t believe the public is well-served by me encouraging and rewarding nonsense. I’ve heard you complain about pandering politicians and about how you want straight talk. Well, the straight talk is that your attention-seeking stunt wasted a bunch of people’s time (including that of a pediatrician and public health officer) and likely made our community less safe. What do you want me to say? That I respect you for doing that because you’re a town resident and so of course your opinion is to be respected? Hard Pass." — Mayor Muldoon
Yes, Mr. Mayor, I DO want all of our opinions to be respected. Is it necessary you agree? No, absolutely not. Put your big boy britches on Mr. Mayor.
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