Legal Stress Relief

Pluto makes me smile. She offers multiple suggestions for emotional health. Personally, howling works for me, versus screaming. A neighbor screamed, multiple times, the other night. His father passed from COVID, 82 years old. The screaming gentleman recently returned from Jersey. So, rather than panicking, I closed my window by his RV, and hoped he felt better the next day. (We conversed from a significant distance, upon his return—me on my balcony—he filled me in, concerning recent events. He works at the hospital, was tested upon his return, negative.) So sad.


Dancing, singing, works for me, pretty much everyday. I like all music, but I’ve been particularly drawn to rock lately, pretty solid, a little hard, rock. 


It’s time consuming 🙄, but a shower feels really good. And right now, all I have is time, so what am I complaining about, except the fact I have to move my body, and it’s not dancing. Run-on-big-time sentence. Whatever. 


The message here—do whatever it takes and is legal, for stress relief, especially during pandemics. 


Put yo hands in the air like you just don’t care. Let it out, get it out. 


Another little something I’ve noticed, do you have any idea how much a goose can poop? Let me tell you...


There’s a bunch, and I mean a BUNCH of poo in our back yard. It’s about Maggie size, but I knew I didn’t miss picking it up, it wasn’t Maggie, or George W, for that matter. It’s white and green with lots of vegetation involved, kinda like petrified poo, except it’s not, it wasn’t out there the previous day. I googled goose and marmot scat, as we’ve had one of each in the backyard. Marmots apparently prefer to deposit in latrine like burrows. Geese, well they don’t care. I suspect they walk and drop, walk and drop, though I’ve not observed this behavior, to my knowledge. Perhaps our goose is stealth pooping. They can produce a pound or more of feces PER DAY. Indeed, my observations, empirical evidence, proves this to be fact, perhaps erring on the conservative side of things. A pound a day from one goose.


Living in the mountains, it’s good to know your scat. While gross if you touch it (why would you, unless you believe drinking Lysol is an effective treatment option for corona), or if one steps in a pile of scat, knowing your stuff can also save your life. Or in backyard cases, knowing what’s there or not there, can potentially keep your pet healthy. Goose poo contain the parasites cryptosporidium, giardia, coliform, and campylobacter, so Dr. Google tells me. This is not good, for anyone. I’m not a human or animal doctor, so don’t go quoting me, do your own research. But I want that mess gone. I cleanup when in the backyard, and wash my hands religiously. We’ve never had goose poo in our backyard, so hopefully they are headed north to see Pluto in Canada. 


Note to Maggie: do not roll in the stinky stuff, okay?


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