I was so excited to be on my skis, doing something I’d never done before. It’s not easy, skate skiing, and I didn’t care, I wanted to learn. I took up skate skiing and cross country, all within a few weeks of one another, going about it all wrong!! 🤣
Typical D, wanting to run before I walk.
I’ve not been back on any type skis since, lots of working, not taking the time to play, and then there was surgery. In the corner of my bedroom, my skis patiently wait. Oh, and then there’s alpine, those skis are waiting too.
I miss this.
Take care of your body, and it will take care of you. That and a little luck.
From 2017:
Hey honey, I'm home! Skied today. Only busted my tush three times. My technique is improving, and I actually incorporated a little skating motion today. I have a long way to go, but I'm enjoying the process.
Did I tell you guys one of the ambassadors at the trail where I ski is 83? True story. I never would have guessed. Amazing people, he and his wife. I adore them. They both have different teaching styles, and I learn from both. I want to be like them when I grow up. No grass growing under their feet.
After I arrived home, a friend in Houston sent me a picture of queso, salsa, and guacamole. I could've devoured them, along with all the chips. I need to find good Mexican food.
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