Some days I’m all Jesus take the wheel, You got this, I trust You. I WANT You to control this life of mine.
Some days Jesus quietly, graciously allows me to take the wheel, barreling between the ditches, not particularly ‘be still’ moments.
What seems like a hundred years ago, I prayed for patience. Here's the deal, God doesn't sprinkle patience down like fairy dust, tapping each of us with a magic wand. Well, here you go darling. You now have all the patience in the universe, from here to infinity, and of course beyond.
Are you sure, my child, he probably quietly asked. Hurry, I insist, yes, yes please, give me patience. GIVE.
Aww now child of mine, that's not how this works. One earns patience. One trial at a time. One blessed day at a time.
Earn? Oh no, please no.
God, can we speed things up, because you know, I'm not getting any younger.
Remember, impatient one, even the very hairs on your head are all numbered. Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they?
Patience child.
Do not worry.
Fear not.
Reminders, more precious than silver and gold, feed my soul.
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