Once upon a time, in a life long, long ago, I could often be found at the various schools my kids attended, volunteering. During these times, I was the one who was taught, blessed.
One teacher in particular would send me out in the hall with three or four children, and their books. Each would take turns reading. Reminiscing about these precious souls, reading to me in their second language, fills me will emotion. Words and smiles brightened the hall, and my heart.
This gifted teacher is now contemplating retirement. I ask if she will travel, perhaps, she replies. I've thought about teaching adults to read.
Oh my goodness, I love this idea. I want to be closer so she can send me out into the hall, sitting against the wall, and listening to pride-filled adult voices learning to read.
What ever life hands you my friend, during this next season of life, your impact will be positive and powerful—your terms.
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