Clothes, clean and dirty, laundry soap, quarters, my bag of tricks for work, I have everything, I'm prepared to wash clothes this evening.
After work, I change into my warm-up bottoms and tennis shoes feel weird...did I drop an insert? Oh well, I'll check later.
The grocery store is my hangout while my clothes wash. Not one person is moving fast today, I'm the only one in a hurry. I make myself slow down. It's a good thing. I would need slow and steady tonight...
It starts to rain, just hold off until I get my clothes home, dry. Please.
Always graceful, I knock my can of Coke over on the folding table, no clothes, yet.
Nothing like walking in on a gentleman, seeing a man about a horse, oh yes I did. He didn't lock the door. Public restroom. I just needed to wash my hands.
A woman, a man, and I, we have a good laugh.
I look at my tennis shoes, finally...two different shoes, same color, different trim (rushing in the morning doesn't pay).
A chick is chewing gum, no big deal, but she's steadily popping the gum, for over an hour, she pops that gum.
Fold clothes and get home—this is my only thought when someone is brave enough to speak to me, all jolly, talkative, and really happy. Do you live here, he asks. Yes. Aren't you tired of this? I'm thinking he's speaking in reference to laundry. Eventually I realize he's talking weather, and he's had enough snow. Nah, I'm good, I hope it snows. Hush, he tells me. He cleans windows. Ha! This made me laugh, chatty fella. Indeed, bring on the snow.
Carrying laundry to my car, the chick popping her gum chokes on her gum, coughs it up apparently, and starts chewing again. She scared me. Are you okay? Yes, I'm fine. And she POPS HER GUM.
I'm going home.
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