The End

So...when I moved West, I was referred to Dr. Josie, a sports chiropractor. Not only is she a miracle worker, when it comes to keeping my body working properly, she became a friend as well. Thursday night I was getting ready for bed, without my beloved Maggie Rose. The phone ringing at any time is uncommon, but the phone ringing and announcing Dr. Josie (late at night) doesn’t happen. Answering the phone I hear her say she has my dog, would I like to come get her. That quick - in a few seconds - my search for Maggie is over. 


Finding my keys, typing a quick note to copy and paste for all those searching, deciding to hell with the pajama pants - I’m going to get Maggie, and pausing to clear my scrambled mind, I make it to town. 


Josie told me after we big hugged in the middle of the street, that morning she was thinking about Maggie, wanted to find her. She (Josie) was walking home Thursday night and a dog ran across in front of her, into the back yard of friends’ of Josie’s. The friends ‘just happen’ to be outside. She yells at them to shut the gate. The little pup, who ran across the street in front of Josie, was Maggie Rose. That fast. It happened that fast. My tiny little dog was safe. 


Josie is Austrian, and one neat chick. I like to listen to stories of her growing up, life experiences from a very different perspective. You guys would love her and her grit. This past weekend she lost one of her dogs, as in death, not proximity. She saved my dog and lost hers. My heart hurts for her. Keep her in your prayers. ♥️ (Many thanks to ALL who searched for Maggie, so many people. Thanks and much love to Dr. Josie and friends.)


Maggie lost two of 10 pounds. She was terribly matted, full of stickers, and she was scared. When I first picked her up, holding her close, she cried. She was telling me about her journey. And I received puppy kisses. 


Fifteen days. She was missing fifteen days.


Each day after work, getting home couldn’t happen fast enough. I’m still not used to having her home. It’s difficult to grasp how quickly the mind adapts (or not) to stress. 


Thank you to every friend who prayed for the safe return of MR. We are blessed. 

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